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Infectious Coryza 101: What Poultry Producers Need to Know

commercial layers in a poultry house.

Infectious coryza is a respiratory disease that presents a significant challenge for poultry producers, particularly those managing layer and breeder flocks. This bacterial infection can lead to substantial economic losses due to reduced egg production and overall flock health concerns.


Understanding the disease, its symptoms and appropriate management strategies is essential for maintaining poultry health and productivity.


What is Infectious Coryza?

Infectious coryza is an acute respiratory disease caused by Avibacterium paragallinarum. While mortality rates are generally low, its impact on egg production can be severe, with losses ranging from 10% to 40%. This disease is particularly problematic in laying barns, where prolonged exposure leads to ongoing health and production issues.


Infectious coryza is more commonly reported in regions such as the West Coast, Southeast, and Northeast of the United States. Though it can occur in broilers, it is primarily a concern for layers and breeders - birds that remain in production for extended periods.


Which Birds Are at Risk?

Layers and breeders are the primary targets of this disease. While broilers aren’t commonly affected, turkeys can also contract a similar illness, known as turkey coryza. However, turkey coryza is caused by a different bacterium, Bordetella avium, and has its own unique characteristics.

infectious coryza symptoms in a layer bird. face swelling and watery eyes (lacrimation)
Layer with infectious coryza Picture credit: Hy-Line

Spotting the Symptoms

One of the tricky things about infectious coryza is that it mimics other respiratory diseases, making it easy to miss.


Here’s the symptoms to what to watch for:

  • Nasal discharge and facial swelling

  • Watery eyes (lacrimation)

  • A noticeable dip in egg production (anywhere from 10% to 40%)

  • Some birds may be carriers without displaying visible symptoms


If you suspect infectious coryza in your flock, it’s best to get some lab testing done to confirm the diagnosis.

Getting a Diagnosis

Testing for this disease isn’t always listed on standard diagnostic forms, so be sure to specifically request an infectious coryza test. Some of the top diagnostic labs that offer testing include:

  • UC Davis Veterinary Diagnostic Lab – Davis, CA, Lab Info

  • Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory – College Station, TX, Lab Info

  • Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory – Ames, IA, Lab Info

Prices vary, but at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, a PCR test costs about $40, plus an additional $36 best practice fee.

Treatment Options

If infectious coryza is confirmed, acting fast is key. Antibiotics such as erythromycin, oxytetracycline and tylosin can help control the infection. These are typically administered via drinking water first, until medicated feed is available. A veterinarian can provide guidance on diagnosis and treatment options.


That said, antibiotics alone won’t completely solve the issue. Good management and supportive care will help birds recover fully and minimize long-term production losses.

Prevention is the Best Strategy

When it comes to infectious coryza, proactive measures make all the difference. Preventing the disease before it starts is far more effective than managing an outbreak.


Here’s what you can do:

  • Vaccination: The best defense against the disease is vaccination. Two of the most widely used vaccines are Nobilis Coryza and Coryvac. Birds should be vaccinated between 8-16 weeks, with a booster 3-4 weeks later for full protection.

  • Ventilation: Proper airflow is crucial in preventing airborne bacteria from spreading through the flock. Ensuring good ventilation in poultry houses will help keep disease outbreaks at bay.

  • Biosecurity & Sanitation: Limit movement between flocks, control farm access and maintain thorough cleaning practices to keep disease exposure to a minimum.

During outbreaks, supportive care can make a big difference. An example of supportive care can be midnight feeding, a practice in which the barn lights are turned on for a brief period in the middle of the night to wake the birds up and stimulate feed intake. Also, adding electrolytes and vitamins to their drinking water to keep them hydrated and ensure they get essential nutrients to fight infection.

Natural Supportive Care Solutions

At Ralco, we focus on providing natural solutions to support poultry health. Two key products for this include:

  • Regano EX Dry – A natural essential oil and prebiotic product used in poultry feed. During challenges, it can be added at 0.5-1 lb. per ton for 14 days.

  • Avi-Lyte – A vitamin, probiotic and electrolyte supplement that supports hydration and helps birds maintain health during challenges. It can be used continuously for struggling flocks or periodically as part of a management plan.

Bottom line, infectious coryza is a tough challenge for poultry producers, but with the right combination of prevention, early detection and supportive care, it can be managed effectively. Keeping a close eye on your flock, vaccinating when possible and using natural solutions can go a long way in protecting production and bird well-being.


Regano EX dry feed additive for poultry - packaging

Regano EX Dry - For Times of Challenge

Regano EX Dry is the most trusted natural feed additive to support specific health challenges. It contains patented Microfused oregano and thyme white essential oils and Actifibe Prebiotic.

Avi-Lyte poultry stress pack with electrolytes and prebiotics - packaging.

Avi-Lyte - When the Stress Is On

Avi-Lyte is a natural performance pack for poultry that hydrates and helps restore vital nutrients to ease transitions.




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